Great diving beetle larva, young
Dytiscus marginalis
Great diving beetle larva, young

This larva is little more than two weeks old. The posture of the body is clearly an "S or question mark shape", typical of the Dytiscus larva. You can also see the swimming hairs on the legs, which are useful when the larva performs its slow paddling swimming and the hair fringes on the last segments of the body, which are used when the larva is fleeing from a possible threat and it makes a few powerful strokes with its tail. The tip of the tail is white because there's a small air bubble there that reflects the light. This is the spot where the air from above the water is let in during respiration, when the larva is floating with it's tail tip pressed against the water surface. It maintains a correct position by the support of the two thin appendages (cerci) on the tail tip.


All pictures on this site were made by Gerard Visser (Aadorp, Netherlands), unless stated otherwise. All rights remain with him. These pictures may not be used for purposes any other than private viewing or printing. Do NOT hardlink to these pictures or place them on other websites without the author's approval. Should you need them for purposes which include third parties, you must ask the author permission by e-mail. People, who want to use this pictures for exhibitions or publications or educative material are much encouraged to do so, after approval as mentioned and giving the normal credits.
© G.H. Visser 11-04-2004
rev. 07-07-2008

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