Cymatia coleoptrata
Cymatia coleoptrata 23-08-2010

The under side of the Cymatia coleoptrata specimen of page 1 (see indexpicture below). The eyes seem more red then on the photo of the top on the first page, but that's caused by the flashlight that was used. This picture offers a clear view of the tarsus of the left front leg, with the cylindrical shape that is typical for Cymatia species. The last tarsus section looks a bit like a small flag - that could mean this is a male specimen (Stoffelen et al., 2013 - see page 1). This picture is a crop, if you would like to see the whole picture you can click on the indexpicture below.

Please click on the pictures below to see other pages on Cymatia coleoptrata

Cymatia coleoptrata 23-08-2010 onderkant
Page 1
Cymatia coleoptrata 23-08-2010 onderkant
Page 2
Cymatia coleoptrata 23-08-2010 underside, total pcicture of that on page 3
Total picture

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© G.H. Visser 04-04-2022
rev. 05-04-2022

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