Corixa hind leg, detail
Corixa species
Lesser Water boatman, hind leg, detail

This is the joint between the tibia and the tarsus (foot) of the hind leg of a Corixa species. At left the tibia, with large sharp thorns and a thin fringe of hairs. On the joint the tibia is equipped with a sort of little comb. What is the purpose of that? To keep the joint clean perhaps? It could be an acceptable explanation regarding the white mass of Protozoa (possibly Opercularia articulata). What about the large thorns - to discourage predators maybe? But large fish are not easily frightened and like to snack on the little Lesser Water boatman... On the right the implant of the double fringe of hairs is visible.

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© G.H. Visser 09-01-2006
rev 05-08-2006

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