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sep-dec 2024 Many hours in correcting validation errors, bad links and display format errors on tablets. Older animal group information pages converted to a sbrachypoda01eries of gallery information pages. English site expanded with translated water mite pages. New additions:

apr-july 2024 Reorganised the galleries, shuffle, deleted and added some. Slightly different look for Main Index gallery (Many hours). Edited many pages. Spent (too) much time on a small article on the names of Rhantus genus. Read and retrieved quite some literature, also some books. Took quite a few pictures.

feb-mar 2024 Finally time for the website again. Edited many pages, for example the MORE series.

may 2022 More pages edited.

april 2022 Continuation of freshing up pages.

march 2022 Protected website with certificate, change to https.
Abandoned Excel/QBasic workflow (was becoming cumbersome and obsolete).
Gathered dead links for removing, repaired the mail form page.
Terminated unnecessary domain names microcosmos.be en microcosmos.eu - leaving only microcosmos.nl and inslootenplas.nl.

2015 - 2022 In this years long period, no further activities on the site. Made some macro photographs though.

2010 - 2015 Most activities on watermite pages, (especially the dutch pages.) Quite a lot pond dipping, and I made many photo's too.

jan-july 2010 Preparing watermite pages.

juli 2009 A few changes. Acilius beetle brought up from larva.

okt-nov 2008 Added an alfabetic index. Qbasic gallerygenerator adapted for reading Excel files. (Not noticable on the website).

sept 2008 New gallery: Waterbeetle larvae. Larvae moved from galleries Beetles1 and Beetles2 to this gallery.

july-aug 2008 Home page revised. Main index gallery full revision, layout style which connects Homepage and Galleries. New subgallery: Hydroporinae.

jan-july 2008 Written pages on Water stick-insect and Saucer bug. Waterscorpion still to be translated. Found and photographed many new species, still to be added.
New gallery: Mosquito and fly larvae.

aug-oct 2007 Added sitemap. New subgallery: micro-organisms. Special on Rhantus suturalis: beetle, larva, pupa. Changed Water bugs gallery so the Waterscorpions (Ranatra, Nepa) have portrait positioned pictures.

jan-july 2007 Surface bugs gallery renewed, short description for every species. Mesovelia added.

sept-dec 2006 New (sub)gallery: Water fleas and other small crustaceans. Took photo's of Waterfleas and placed them on new pages. Made new galleries possible in my QBasic gallery generator. Made Watermite pictures and prepared pages about them. Added link pages and some other general pages (more, technique). These still need to be worked on. Started this page in English (pffew).

summer 2006 Made many pictures, almost no visible web activities. Did convert many pages to UTF-8 however and adapted the gallery generator for that character format.

january 2006 Galleries revision. Recreated index pictures, somewhat larger, with more sharpening. So the pages are a little less empty on the modern, larger computer screens. Accepted the larger download bulk because of the high percentage of faster internet connections recently. Added line frame and numbering to enhance the illusion of the old Dutch Verkade albums For that same reason the first and last pages have portrait format pictures, four in a row instead of three.

okt-dec 2005 Rewritten and extended the Lesser Water Boatman special, more pages, many pictures.


mar-dec 2005 Many activities. Because the tabs screwed up when one enlarged his font size in Firefox I made new ones, using listed sliding tabs instead of a table with a fixed font. Made many pictures, still not published. Total new HOME page. Many small changes and improvements. Started this page in Dutch.


mar-apr 2004 Made more realistic "thumb tabs" in stead of buttons.

july 2003 Stripped pages of frames, keeping page borders with the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

jan-mar 2002 Put pages in frames to create page borders and to speed up the loading of the content.

december 2001 Wrote Lesser Water Boatman special, with some pictures.

july-nov 2001 New pages with Notepad, and made a Qbasic program to maintain gallery pages, on which the names were shown in four languages. Shy use of CSS. For the curious: shown here.

february 2001 Used the WYSIWYG program WEB to create my first pages. Only about three of them, then switched to the real hand work in Notepad after a short self course.

21 sept 2000 Start web site. Obtained registration of microcosmos.nl and microcosmos.org. Requested web hosting.


© G.H. Visser 12-12-2006
rev. 18 oct. 2024

Valid XHTML 1.0!
